Sunday, August 28, 2011

Miscelleaneous Photos

Here are some miscelleaneous photos from around the building. 
This hole is located in the front hallway close to the parking lot.  As I was photographing one day, I noticed that there were workers coming in and out of this opening.  It was much like the way busy bees would go in and out of a hive.  So I went over to take a picture of the work they were doing and this is what I saw...............

......hmmmmm, where did they go?

Not here either.  Actually, they were working in an area that I couldn't see from the opening.  There is much work to be done even if you can't see it. 

I realized that I never posted a picture of the new hallway that leads to the cafeteria.  For the village teachers this was one of the most exciting things that was finished.  It cuts down on our travel time into the building. 

I just thought this was a neat picture.  The electricians were stacking outlet inserts to prep for the building of the concrete block walls in the new classrooms.