Friday, September 2, 2011

New Flooring Continues

The portion of the new hallway that will house the restrooms and mechanical room have had the flooring completed.  The finished picture will be posted in a day or so but here are the steps up to this point. 

Plumbing was added and inspected. 

Gravel was placed in the trenches.

They began to fill the entire area with gravel.

A water proof barrier was put down, the area was sprayed for termites, and rebar was put down.  (Okay I know you want to know why termite spraying since there is no wood in our building??  It is to prevent them from nesting under the concrete.  It could potentially cause a void if they left the nest.)

It takes two workers to carry sheets of rebar.  The rebar is placed on the barrier and then trimmed to fit around the pipes. 

Strong hands hold the mesh rebar and tie it to the long rebar. 

Early Wednesday morning (6:30am) they began the process of pouring the concrete.  In this photo, the concrete looks rough and bumpy but when they are finished it will be very smooth.  FYI When the cement is mixed, they can alter the mixture to compensate for the weather.  If it is a hot day, there is more retarder (hope that's the correct word) added to the mixture to prevent it from drying too quickly.