Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Please read below to see how the arrival and dismissal for Clays Mill students will be this year.  Please remember that we all must be flexible and things may have to be adjusted throughout the year based on our renovation schedule. 

Bus Riders
Car Riders
              All students* arriving in the morning will enter through the front door.  Bus riders will dismount in the bus lane and will then follow the sidewalk around to the front door. 
             Bike riders may chain their bikes to the small black fence that is beside the flag.  Please turn the bike sideways against the fence so that others may still use the sidewalk. 
        **Walkers who come onto CME property via the bridges from the back track area may continue to do so.  These students may go straight to a classroom in the village or enter the building through the back door. 
             Students entering from the front door that need to eat breakfast will do so before they go to their classrooms. 
            All students will then go up the stairs by the elevator and down the hallway to their classroom.  Students that have a classroom in the village will go down the hallway and out the back door. 

            All students in the village will be brought into the building by their teacher and taken to their appropriate pickup location.  Walkers and car riders will wait until they are called to be dismissed.  Any parents that are picking up students at a door need to be at the front lobby door.  Please wait outside because the lobby will be filled with students.  There will be no students dismissed out the back door to walk toward the Mary Queen end of Clays Mill. 
        **Any students that travel home via the bridges by the track that are in the village classrooms will be dismissed at approximately 2:20 pm from the village.