Monday, August 15, 2011

Dividing Construction Work from School Work

As the renovation process continues, a great effort is made to keep the construction team separated from the students and staff of CME.  This helps to ensure safety.  The metal fences have been erected in order to create defining boundaries from the work areas. 

The classroom at the end of the front hallway that is closest to the computer lab is one area that they have worked on so that the work area and debris are kept out of our active learning areas. 

The classroom wall was torn down.  The area with the black plastic is the hallway that leads downstairs to the entrance closest to the flag pole. 

It was replaced on the same day. 

In a former post you could see the temporary wall that was installed by the computer lab.  Since it was during the summer the wall had a doorway for the workers to use.  Since school has started, the door has been replaced with a solid wall.   

This is the new portion of wall from inside the classroom.