Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Architectural Renderings of the Finished Building

It's always exciting when the architects send Mrs. Smith computer renderings of what portions of our finished building will look like.  It's hard to believe that these images are computer generated. 

This will be the cafeteria.  The yellow wall is where our current stage is located.  The double doors to the left will be where the new hallway enters the cafeteria.  This color scheme will be used throughout the building. 

When you step into our new lobby you will be able to see the new office through the windows.  Take a look through the windows on the second floor and you'll see our new media center (library). 

If you could peer through the windows from the previous photo this is what you would see.  If you look straight back you will see what appears to be white stairs.  This is actually a reading area for students or a place for students to sit while they listen to the media specialist (librarian) read aloud.