Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Primary Hallway

The workers are continuing to demolish the interior of the remaining classrooms in the primary hallway. 

They are continuing to knock down the walls on the front classrooms. 

These are pictures of a classroom on the gazebo side.
This is what it looks like as they knock down ceiling tiles. 
And then.........

....all of the newest tiles are down.
And then........

....they tear out the closets, cabinets, and old ceiling tiles. 
And then.......

....they clean it all out.
And then...........

.....they continue the work by knocking out the wall. 

They are removing the soffetts.  Notice the blue "65' 4"" spray painted on the brick.  This is how they mark existing measurements or future measurements that will be needed. 

Inner view of the soffett.