Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kitchen Update

Demolition of the kitchen continues on.  It doesn't look much like a kitchen anymore.  Only outer and load bearing walls are still up.  Windows have been knocked out, the refrigerator and freezer have been removed, and they are currently working on jackhammering out all of the existing floor tiles. 

Just as they separeted the debris in the front of the building, they do the same in the kitchen demolition. 

This is the first evidence of something new to our renovation process.  The frame for a new double door has been added.  Look to the inside wall and you will see the measurements for the inner doorway.  This will ultimately be a hallway that will lead to the new cafeteria.  It will run where the current stage is in the cafeteria. 

This is the kitchen as the photographer is standing against the farthest wall of the dry storage area. The manager's office, prep area, ice machine, sinks, and employee break room have all been demolished. 

This is the view from the sink/dishwasher area.  Directly in front would have been the wall that separated the serving line and the cooking are that had the stove and convection ovens. 

The dirty tray window from the kitchen side. 

This machine has a jackhammer attachment on the front.  It was removing the floor tiles that would have been in/under the refrigerator area. 

A close up of the jackhammer attachment.  Workers said that to remove all of the tiles would take 2-3 days.