Monday, July 18, 2011

More Changes in the Front Hall

In a week there has been a lot of work completed on the front hallway.

A third brick choice has been added to the mock up.  There is a slight difference in color.  The architects will make the ultimate decision as to which brick will be placed on our building. 
This is a view of the front hallway from the backdoor of the back hallway.  All of the non-load bearing walls have been removed and the debris has been cleared away. 

Almost all of the trees in this area have been removed and are lying in large piles. 

On the left wall they have added pipes of some sort.  They have also added the wooden cross bars in the doorway as a safety measure.  The area immediately against the building is a large pit. 

The bright yellow truck is bringing in concrete block to begin building our new walls. 

This view is from the bus lane.  Notice how well you can see the bright yellow truck in the gazebo area.  The wooden fences have been added as a safety measure since the small walls have been removed. 

The soffets and brick facade have been removed.

This classroom is in the process of having the brick facade removed.