Thursday, June 14, 2012

Things Are Moving Right Along

If you should happen to drive by Clays Mill Elementary, you can see that there is a lot of big machinery moving around outside.  What you can't see is the activity that is going on inside. 


This is the new doorway that will be at the end of the new hallway that we currently call the temporary hallway.  The old door frames will be removed. 

The old duct work was removed and new is being added.

Look to the right and you can see that the soffet that was above the stage has been removed as well as the stage itself. 

(Out of focus - was very hard to take pic in the dark.)  This is the stage area after the wooden stage has been removed. 

This the back wall of the stage area.


New Administrative Area

Blue paint has been added to the embellishment above the seating area of the front office. 

Architect, Jason Merrick, meets with the electrical supervisor to discuss progress on the renovation.

Framing has been installed that will create the windowed wall of the front office.

This is a view from the front door.  As you enter the vestibule, you have two options to enter the building.  You may go into the office through a door on the far left (not pictured) or go straight into new hallway through the doors shown above. 

Standing in the vestibule, the windows on the second floor provide a great deal of light.

This view is from the new hallway / display cases.  The men are standing by the main doors and the office areas are to the right.

I believe that this is my favorite embellishment in the whole building.  You will see this when you step into the vestibule and look straight up. 

New Media Center

Drywallers trim the embellishments above the media center checkout area.
Drywall has been applied on all of the embellishments.

 The drywall has been trimmed and had mud applied.  It is now awaiting paint. 

 The computer area has been drywalled. 


The gym looks a bit messy at this point.  The gym will not be torn down but will receive its fair share of renovation work. 

The ceiling tiles have been removed to reveal a very colorful collection of sound tiles. 

Old Library and Teachers' Lounge

 The old library is no more. This is a view from the door by the computer lab. 

A hole has been put in the wall in the library.  This used to be the window where Mrs. Bethel and Mrs. Carrico began each library  class. 

The wall between the lounge and the library has a few holes. 

Shelving in the lounge has been removed. 

Insulation in the work room is being removed.

Fixtures in the staff restrooms have been removed. 

After a couple of days, this is the view from the door closest to where the refrigerator was in the lounge.  The wall is completely gone. 

Elevators, Stairwells, and Classrooms....Oh My 


The stairs have been removed from the stairwell closest to the cafeteria. 
The same stairwell from the second floor.

The elevator has been removed. 

This is what's left of Mr. Baker's office.

This is the stairwell after the wall has been removed from the upstairs hallway. 

The wall has been removed from the side of the stairwell and the women's restroom. 

This is what is left of Mrs. Pickard's old room.  The walls between the room and the boys' restroom have been removed. 

Fixtures have been removed from the girls' restroom closest to the elevator. 

Fixtures have been removed from the boys' restroom closest to the elevator. 

This view is from the lobby.  You are looking up at the ceiling which was also the floor of Mrs. VanDyke's classroom. 

This was Mrs. VanDyke's room. 

This is what is left of the corner classroom by Mrs. Fosson's old room. 

The beams from Mrs. VanDyke's floor have been cut away. 

After a couple of days the walls have been removed from the rooms in the corner with Mrs. Fosson's office. 

A little out of focus, but this is the view looking through the hole in the floor on the 2nd level. 

Outside Work

 A couple of trees have been cut down out back as the new drive is being installed.

 An additional drive curves around to the new dumpster location.

Bulldozers continue to dig to lay pipes for the new classroom that will be out front.