Monday, October 10, 2011

Brick by Brick

The front hallway seems to be changing by the minute.  The most visible change is the exterior walls.  Window frames and windows were installed.  Black sealant was then painted on the walls followed by new brick. 

The front exterior and back exterior walls have had the window openings framed in. 

The window frames are installed. 

Scaffolding is being installed so that the rest of the wall can be painted with black sealant. 

The sealant layer is applied and the window glass is now in the frames.

Masonry workers are busy bricking the front wall. 
FYI:  For those who have asked, the top to bottom "crack" that you see at intervals down the wall is for expansion.  One masonry worker stated, "If you didn't have that space, then the ground would settle and the whole wall would hit the ground."

The masons use scaffolding to reach the walls.  Notice that the area they walk on is very narrow. 

This is the inside of what used to be Mrs. Pickard's room and will soon temporarily house our office. 

Masons are also bricking the wall facing the parking lot.